Thursday, 17 November 2011


The BBFC control film classification throughout all films published in the UK, they regulate what film rating a film should get and if it actually eligible to be published.The BBFC rate films by looking at certain criteria and comparing it to the film in question, if films fail to meet this criteria aspects of the film may have to be changed or the whole film may be rejected, the criteria is: ± Discrimination - is the film offensive to a certain religion, gender, disability, etc. ± Drugs- Does the film portray the use of drugs and does it advertise the use of drugs ± Horror - are there scenes that are to scary for young children. ± Language - Is there bad language that can influence young minds. ± Imitable behaviour- Are the scenes to violent or use certain dangerous weapons e.g. knives or bottles, these are any thing that a child may be able copy and take influence from. ± Nudity- Does the film portray too much nudity/sex that could be offensive to the audience, some films that use to much nudity may be classed a R18 because there is to much nudity for it to be classed as just an 18 ± Theme - are there thing added into the film theme that could be offensive, for example there shouldn't be glamorisation of illegal activities such as drug dealing, rape or murder. ± Violence- Does the film contain graphic or excessive violence.

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