Monday, 21 November 2011

Film opening- cast/characters/locations

CAST: Detective David stone: Henry Inman
Detective Dan Cash/murderer: James Quinlan
Mafia acomplice: Pete Fawcett
Jimmy Marley:: Jonny Knibbs
1st Cop on scene: Will Davidson

Detective David Stone: A 25 year old up and coming detective known for his comittment to any case and his maverick style, comes from a rich family. Struggles to seperate business from personal issues. Partner to Dan Cash.
 Detective Dan Cash: A 30 year old more experienced detective, father figure to David Stone. Has Serious money Problems and can't afford a life saving operation for his Dad. Has to turn to acting as a mafia hitman to afford it.
 Mafia Acomplice: You never learn his name or age, he is assigned to the killer as clean up and is only seen when someone dies.
 Jim Marley: A wealthy banker, with known mafia connections. Was been investigated by Stone and Cash until becoming the killler's 1st victim.

 WHY: David Stone/Henry Inman: We chose me to play this part because I do A-level drama. I love acting, I'm commited and I'm confident in front of the camera. Dan Cash/James Quinlan: We chose James to play this part because he's an A-level student, he's a big fan of the genre and he works well with me. Mafia acomplice/Pete Fawcett: We chose Pete because he wanted to act but prefers camera work, so a smaller role suited best for him. also does photography which will help when it comes to filming.

 LOCATIONS: The Rydings estate: we chose this location as a built up area will add to the enigma of a murder scene.I.e did anyone see. Willingham Woods: We chose this location as it's secluded and a good place to not only dump a body but to film uninterupted.

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