Other than this whilst in production the class watched the film then gave us feedback. In which they said that our story line works. However they said the titles were to quick and their were too many. It was also suggested we should have the credits over the action, but when we tried this it made the shots go fuzzy. Instead we changed the titles so we would have a shot of action followed by titles then repeat till the credits had finished. I feel this worked as it shows we can adapt our film to make it more appealing but without affecting the quality.

Other than that the class also said the victim's age wasn't convincing and more time should be spent on the murder scene.
Finally we edited the transitions of the piece and changed the soundtrack.
So we could intrigue our audience one of the key things about the film was enigma. We used this by having the murder scene in a built up estate. I feel this was a good choice of location because it was secluded enough to be realistic but also built up enough to make the audience think, did anyone see the murder. Also to add to the enigma we had the killer wear a mask. This makes the audience think who is he and why is he doing this.
To excite our audience we used camera shots to really grab their attention, for example our first shot was an extreme close up of our victim falling in to shot. This was followed by close ups of the killer and the body been dragged away. They were fast tempo shots at first but then pace became slightly methodical so the audience could follow but still be interested.

Overall I feel we addressed our target audience well and made the film appeal to them, but also make it enjoyable to anyone outside the target audience as well.
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