Thursday 16 February 2012

Evaluation question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product

Thanks to this project I now have a much better understanding of the technologies needed for the media course and media industry as a whole.

The main technical device I used during planning and research was Blogger:

This was because everything I did to do with research was on my blog. Also as part of the reasearch I used YouTube to find and analyse other film openings to see what aspects of film openings we wanted in our film. I also used Wikipedia and Google to find information and pictures to back up my reasearch and make my blog as detailed as possible. Finally I used a digital camera and SlideShare as a way of getting pictures and other documents on to my blog.

During the construction of the film the main technologies were the digital cameras and adobe Premier pro. Other than these we used sound recorders and the school recording studio to film an audio scene for our film. We felt by having an audio scene it added an extra depth to our film and gave it something different. Now because of it we have an interesting film and a better understanding of the sound recording equipment.

For my evaluations it was the same technologies for my research:Blogger,Google and YouTube.
As well as Premier Pro so I could have screen shots of the film on my blog. I used YouTube in my evaluations so I could use the videos I used during my reasearch as part of my evaluation answers. The Opening of Se7en for example.

Overall I feel that using the technologies got easier as we became more experienced with using them. I enjoyed using the equipment as I hadn't used Blogger or the cameras before. There were some problems. Sometimes the camera was tempermental when finding focus or in the recording studio, finding the right distance between the actor and the microphone was an issue. However I feel the biggest problem was that often the school internet filter system blocked websites such as YouTube and Wikipedia. This was an issue as it slowed reasearch or meant that the reasearch or my blog wasn't as detailed as it could have been.

In regards to the techincal aspects of production I feel our biggest issue with them was recording sound, in both the studio and on location with the boom pole. We did have to re-shoot some scenes due to poor sound quality because of positioning of the equipment or the actors. The main issue with editing was what we wanted and where did we want it. As for the lighting we felt natural light added a gritty feel to it but also helped the scary vibe we wanted, especially in the night scene. Our soundtrack also added to this.

I feel what I've learnt making this film will help me on the remainder of the media course and possibly in the media and performance industry.  


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