Thursday 22 December 2011

Analysis of detective film openings- Sherlock Holmes

Mise-en-scene:  Costume- Period victorian dress, long tweed coats, hats however also religious cloaks shows contrast between 2 cultutures.

Actors: Serious facial expressions, pained look from henchman, possessed look from girl. Shows how Holmes and Watson can be so calm in life threating situations.

Make up: basic make up, victim made pale- to show the supernatural element of the scene.

Props: carriage, cane, hats, lantern, altar, knife.

Setting: Street in victorian London then makeshift temple.

Editing: fast editing, jump cuts, invisible editing. Shows the frantic pace Holmes works at.

Lighting: low key lighting at night. Shows the darkness of the criminal world.

Camera: extreme close ups of Le Strade, Holmes and Blackwood- helps to emphasise the varying emotions. mid shots mix of slow motion then sped up shots to again show the pace Holmes works at but also to show how methodical Holmes is.

Sound: Non- diagetic: Music and Holmes' internal monologue.
            Diagetic: hooves on cobbles, dialogue, ritualistic chanting, cries of pain, suffocation.     



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